


Welcome to the round square
The square where I want to share some of my ideas about topics in the world. Any thoughts on those ideas are welcome.
Current wars in the world or building a spaceport
At the moment 10-07-2024 there are some wars going on in the world. Wars that damage peaceful living for a big group of people. Where bombs and fuels and strong materials are used to damage. So lets say ingredients that also cost a lot of energy and pollution to produce. So a lot of unhappy people, destroyed buildings and infrastructure. In my eyes there are no winners, except for the weapon industry. That off course gets a boost in business and serious profit growth. The thing is that they can construct with their production machines and materials from their factories, also spacecraft parts and fuels Instead of investing or building destruction, building heaven or an improved version of life in which living in space for a few years is a very normal thing to do. I just name this specific group of companies because they are logical gainers of the wars. On the other hand, if there is no production wars would be on a much smaller scale I assume.
My idea is to build with the help of a big group of interested people from all over the world, from work floor personal to the smartest scientists, a spaceport in lower orbit, an off world city that can expand unlimited, in time construction done with drones that harvest asteroids to supply sustainable high quality building materials. Having always enough space to expand But for now the actual where you in time would be able to walk on the ceiling or fly. There will always be enough space for more people and plants enough space to build residential buildings or hospital
At 100 km weightlessness starts. Or there metal keeps floating. Let's start there with a gate or spaceport. The change from always being pulled down (gravity), to a state of weightlessness. Like swimming in the water but without needing to swim up.
Living without gravity or with lower gravity, will have a big effect on muscle usage and food usage.
Evolutionary wise it is logical to look beyond this planet, but why go to Mars now instead of building close to the earth. 100 km height is 10 to 15 minutes flight. Maybe soon dozens or hundreds of people could go in 1 space bus that flies up to a 100 km.
Here start building a construction, a space station but more like a train station containing big halls through which instead of walking you could go flying, with all normality’s as in earth life, so plants, furniture, lights, water "fountains" or floating water in bubbles.
Parts with more and less artificial gravity, to also learn how to use your muscles in space for efficient moving around. Or maybe learn how to walk on walls and ceilings. The space gate.
When that first step is there, a big range of all kinds of materials, plants, water can be brought to a weightlessness environment. From there on possibilities start to become enormous, opening the roads for humanity to construct commercially in space. Connectable Houses could be attachable and detachable from each other. All in orbit at around 100 km.
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